Weekly Photo Challenge:Resolved

It’s the start of the New Year and we’ve resolved to join the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge. By we, I mean me, Tony, my fiancé Tara ( yes we’ve just got engaged!) and my 17 year old daughter Devon. We may get some contributions from Sean (Tara’s son) Thomas(my son), but don’t hold your breathe!

So each week, we’ll upload one photo based on the subject chosen in the Weekly Photo Challenge.

We’re just coming to the end of a week’s vacation in Scotland, so the photos will have a Scottish theme. Where’s the connection to this week’s subject, I hear you say. Well as I said at the start we resolved to join the challenge and this is our first step towards completing that resolution.

Anyway, here’s my contribution taken yesterday, with my Iphone, on the shores of Loch Ness:


And here’s Devon’s contribution taken with her new Samsung camera, which she got for Christmas:


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Filed under Holiday, Travel, Weekly Photo Challenge, Weekly Photo Challenge 2013

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