Today I got to tick another beer off the 1001 Beers to Taste before I die list. I had a bottle of Trappistes Rochefort 10, we bought four bottles of this beer at the 2012 York Beer and Cider Festival, and somehow they remained unopened after the christmas festivities!
It’s a strong ale, with an 11.3% ABV, so it’s not for quaffing in a hurry!
The 10, in the beer’s name, comes from their density in Belgian degrees. 10 is the equivalent of an original gravity of 1100. Original gravity refers to the amount of dissolved sugar present in the wort before fermentation, the higher the original gravity the stronger the beer, Get In!
Ok, that’s enough science for the day,now onto history!
Apparently beer has been brewed at Rochefort in the Abbaye Notre Dame de Saint Remy (not only science and history, but French as well!) since 1595. As with other Trappist breweries, the beer is sold in order to financially support the monastery and their charitable works. Well excuse me, but this monk looks as though he may well have undertaken more than a sip!
This is one of only six beers in the world authorised to bear the “Authentic Trappist Product” label.
With all this talk of religion, and what with it being the day of the Sabbath, it seem fitting that I should be drinking a beer brewed by a monk!
Anyway,that’s 4 down and 997 beers to go!