Browsing through the 1001 Beers To Taste Before You Die book, (that’s too much of a mouthful, so from now on I’ll refer to it as The Bible), I was looking to see if any of the beers I had at home already were referenced at all, and would you believe that “The King of Beers“, Budweiser, is mentioned in The Bible. (Just had a rethink about the name,I have visions of The Temperance Movement ** petitioning for the blog to be closed!, so we’ll call it The Beer Bible from now on).
** That is a link to The Quakers, if you do happen to be interested in abstaining from alcohol! (Let it not be said I’m not open-minded!)
Anyway back to Budweiser, needless to say I have drank a few “Buds” in my time, both here in the UK and across in America, but I never expected it to see it in The Beer Bible
Many years ago, on a visit to relatives in Colorado, I actually toured one of the Anheuser-Busch breweries. I’m sure I have some photos and souvenirs from my visit, when I find them I’ll post them on this blog.
I’ll try and take a photo of each beer along the way, using whatever is handy at the time, here’s that bottle of Budweiser and very nice it was too!
So I’ve made my first step on my journey, only another 1000 to go! But I obviously won’t be restricting myself to the beers listed in The Beer Bible, as illustrated below with a beer I had earlier tonight!